Name: Darren

Racer name: Haggis

Position: Business Development Manager

During lockdown 2.0 we thought we would let people get to know the Game Over team a little better by having them answer 5 questions.

There interviews were recorded on video, from home, and the questions used were submitted by their loving colleagues!

To see the video, click the link or read below for their answers.

Game Over QT Facebook page

Hope you enjoy…

Tell us who you are and what you do at Game Over?

“My name’s Darren and I’m the Business Development Manager at Game Over Queenstown. Which means that I get to look after some of the sales and marketing work for the business and if you’re a group or corporate event, the chances are you’ll be dealing with me and seeing this wonderful face…sorry about that”.

What was your last job before joining Game Over?

“I actually had 3 jobs. So, when I got to Queenstown, I was super broke. I washed dishes in a pretty, busy kitchen, here in Queenstown. I worked security and I was also a night porter at the hostel I was staying in. The less said about that the better”.

What is your favourite activity at Game Over?

“It used to be go karting, but what happened was all the new guys, the young blood, came in and joined the business and they are all much faster and better than me, so I’ve thrown my toys out the pram now. I love the arcade, I grew up in arcades and we are lucky enough to have the best arcade in Queenstown, dare I say Central Otago. Challenge me on that if you will.”

How have you kept yourself busy during lockdown?

“I’ve been getting my garden ready for planting in the spring… I’ve just heard myself say that and realised how old that makes me sound. But, no, that’s the honest answer!”

If you were a superhero, what would your power be?

“I would like the power to call people out on their idiocy without any personal OR professional repercussions for myself.”

So, there you have it, he’s not called the ‘grumpy old Scot’ for nothing! There will be more

Read about Joe and Paul to know more about our amazing team!